
Polly is a text-to-speech service used to speak phrases—across a range of voices and languages—back to the end user. By using the Polly data source type, this speech functionality can be incorporated into your pages’ UX, allowing for many accessibility options or additional page feedback to user actions.

For more general information, see AWS documentation.

Some key features:

  • This data source can only be used through data source actions. As there is no data storage involved, you cannot use Polly to create Skuid models.
  • While you can use Polly for static text phrases, you may get the more use from employing global merge variables.
  • While each voice has an intended language, your text will not be automatically translated.


Ensure the IAM user for this data source’s authentication provider has the appropriate permissions.


First, configure an authentication provider using your AWS security credentials. After doing so, configure a data source—choosing Amazon Polly as the data source type.

AWS Access Permissions

When using AWS APIs, it is best practice to utilize strict and well-defined IAM policies so end users can only perform actions they have explicit access to.

Listed below are the permissions this data source type requires to properly function. Use this list to better define your IAM roles.

  • synthesizeSpeech

Using the AWS Polly Data Source

Data Source Actions

  • Speak Phrase: Converts text to speech and then speaks that text to the user.
    • Voice: List of voices available from AWS Polly. Each voice is a unique combination of gender and intended language. For more information about each available voice, see AWS documentation.
    • Text: The text to be spoken. This may be a specific string or a global merge variable.


I don’t hear a voice when I run the Speak Phrase data source action.

You may not have added the appropriate IAM policies to grant permission for using AWS Polly. Verify that the AWS credentials used for your authentication provider has the appropriate permissions.

If your permissions are correct, consider recreating your authentication provider—using new AWS secret keys if needed.