
For every record in a model, the Deck component will create an individual card, each a template that can be configured within the App Composer. These cards visually highlight a model’s data and allow you to set interactions.

Using the Deck component

In contrast to a standard list view, which provides a catalog of all data, or a detail view, which lets end users drill down into any one record, the Deck component allows you to surface important information and place it prominently on the page.

Fill the Deck

The Deck formats every record in a model as a card. Once you add a Deck component to your page, you can drag and drop components into that Deck to configure the format of the cards.

  • Ensure that component(s) within the Deck are accessing the correct model to receive the target data.
  • Modify the components’ properties, and add any desired actions to the component(s).

Experiment with components to determine which work best to display the selected data. Good options include:

  • Header component: Provides a title for each of the cards, typically based on record’s Name field.
  • Form component: Since each card is an individual record, the Form component is best suited for editing data in cards.
  • Image component: if your object has image fields (for example, company logos, or pictures of contacts), use this component to display those images in the deck.


Add an interaction to the component that opens a modal with more information when the end user clicks or swipes the image.

Every Deck includes a header and a footer. These sections include:

  • Header
    • the Deck’s title
    • the Save and Cancel buttons
    • a search box
  • Footer
    • a picklist to set number of records displayed per page
    • an indicator of which set of rows are showing and links to jump to the next or last increment

The component’s header and footer can be hidden using properties in the Basic tab.

How to limit data in the Deck

There are many ways to take advantage of the Deck component, but it offers fewer ways to limit incoming data. If you’re using the Deck to surface a subset of information found elsewhere on the page—for example, from a model used in another component—adding a condition to that model will limit the records for both components.

Want to limit only the data coming into the Deck?

  • Duplicate that model using the Clone button next to the model name, and give the model a new name.
  • Add a condition that limits the data to the subset for the Deck component.

Use this new model exclusively with the Deck.

Supported features

On the Deck, you can access interactions, global actions, and mass actions using the buttons at the bottom of the deck, or via the Add Features menu on the deck.


Basic tab [[]]

  • Model: The model the Deck component uses to create its separate cards. Every record in the selected model that meets the model condition will have a card.

  • Title: The title that displays above the Deck. (If left blank, the Deck does not have a title.)


    This is the title for the deck as a whole, not the title of the individual cards. Titles can be added to the card layout using a Header component.

  • Show Save/Cancel: Check to display Save and Cancel buttons for the deck. (Default: unchecked).

Display tab [[]]

Pagination section [[]]

  • Visible Rows: Controls how many rows of cards are visible in the Deck, or you can select “Show All.” The default setting is 10 rows.
    • 5
    • 10
    • 25
    • 50
    • Show All
  • Show Page Size Dropdown: If checked the number of visible rows is displayed at the bottom of the Deck and can be overridden by the end users, who can also navigate through the “pages” of records.
  • Always reset pagination after save or query: Click to reset to the first page after any edits or queries to the model.

Advanced section [[]]

  • Unique Id (optional): Skuid automatically generates an alphanumeric Id for the component; if preferred, give it a practical name.

Layout section [[]]

  • Column Gutter Size: Set the distance between cards.
  • Row Gutter Size: Set the distance between rows of cards.

Other section [[]]

  • Row Actions on Left: By default, Row Actions are displayed on the right. If checked, they will be displayed on the left.

  • Show “Load more” button: If the Max # of records property on the model is set to a limiting number, checking this allows the end user to load additional records.

  • Show Header: If checked, the Deck header is displayed.

  • Show Footer: If checked, the Deck footer is displayed.


    Hide Header/Hide Footer supersedes any settings for individual elements in the Header or Footer. For example, if Show Save/Cancel is checked—which displays the Save and Cancel buttons—but Hide Header is also checked, the Save and Cancel buttons (which sit within the header) will not display because the header is hidden.

Card tab [[]]

Filters & Search tab [[]]

In this tab are properties that control whether or not you have a search box, and when search terms and conditions are applied.

Search Properties [[]]

  • Show Search Box: If checked, Skuid displays a search box above the component.

  • Search Method: Determines if a search will query the server and filter its data, or filter local data on the client.

    • Server (default): Returns search results from all data on the server.

    • Client: Returns search results from only the data that is currently loaded on the page. Large data sets may require lengthy time to filter. If end users commonly need to sort only the data they have loaded within the page—as opposed to every record on the server—this property may speed the filter process.


      If the server contains a large data set not yet loaded into the page, but Search Method is set to Client, the filter may return incomplete results because it’s filtering incomplete data. This may result in unexpected omissions.

  • Tokenize Search Terms: If checked, each word typed into the search bar is “tokenized” — meaning each word is searched for individually. A tokenized search for “George Washington” returns any record with “George” and “Washington”. For example, “George Washington,” “George Michael Washington,” and “George is headed to Washington”. An untokenized search for “George Washington” returns only records with “George Washington” exactly.

  • Search box placeholder text: The text that appears in the search box before the end user starts a search. (The default is “Search.”)

  • Empty Search Behavior lets you determine what happens when the search box is emptied.

    • Re-query for Model Data (default): The data displayed in the component returns to the state it was in when you first loaded the page.

    • Remove all Model Data: The data is removed from the component and its associated model (but not from the data object/entity).


      Why do this? If you want to use a component to display the list of search results—handy when you have a lot of search results—you need to have an empty component each time you do a new search, so you can display the newly returned results in it. Without this property, the component’s model will be re-queried when the text is cleared from the search box.

Search Fields [[]]

Specifies which fields will be searched against from the component’s search bar.


Depending on the data source used for the model attached to the component, this property may not be available.

  • Use SOSL to improve search performance (Salesforce data sources only): SOSL quickly can search multiple objects at a time within a single search query. SOSL does not directly search the database, but instead queries an index of Salesforce text fields. Individual search fields may not be added when this property is enabled.


    Because the search is against the index, results are limited to what is present in the index, and will not include data that may have been recently updated in the database. The index updates very quickly, but expect a delay of up to 30 seconds between changes made to the database, and their appearance in the search results.


    SOSL can search Text fields (including Long Text fields), but not Picklist fields and Reference fields.

    • Fields to Search: Sets which Types of fields to query with SOSL. The options are:

      • Name Fields (default)
      • All Text Fields
      • Email Field
      • Phone Fields
      • SideBar Fields (Name, Phone, Email, External Ids)

      Searches on Salesforce data sources can use one of two query languages: SOQL or SOSL. SOQL can only search one object at a time in a single query, but searches all searchable fields in that object in real-time.

  • Fields: Skuid searches on searchable fields by default. Search can be narrowed to individual fields by clicking add Add new Search Field, and then using the field picker to select the field.


    • (Salesforce data sources only) SOQL can search Picklist fields and Reference fields, but not Long Text fields.
    • You can add multiple search fields.
    • Search Operator: Select from the following logical operators:

      • =
      • starts with
      • Contains

Skuid on Salesforce [[]]

By default, Salesforce Objects use SOQL. To ensure proper functionality, enable the Allow Search property on any Salesforce objects to be included in the search.

For more information on using these search options with Salesforce, check out Salesforce’s SOQL and SOSL Reference Guide.

Interactions tab [[]]

Click add Add Interaction then select:

  • Action Type: To initialize the display of the record details, choose from three possible interactions:
    • Click: Best for desktop, as well as mobile.
    • Swipe: Best for mobile.
      • Direction options include:
        • Either (direction)
        • Left
        • Right
    • Press: Best for mobile.

Click add Add Action on the selected interaction type to add actions, then edit the Action Types:

Styles tab [[]]

Global styles for this component are set in the Design System Studio. The following Style properties can be adjusted for an individual page.

  • Style Variant: Style variants are created and set in the Design System Studio. Some components have pre-defined variants for a specific aspect of a component’s style. Also, Skuid Builders can style and customize elements to create their own themes within the DSS. These themes will dynamically populate as selectable values in the Style Variant dropdown menu.

  • Spacing: Sets the spacing of the Header relative to other components on the page. Spacing can be managed for Top Margin, Bottom Margin, Left Margin, Right Margin. All margins can be set to one of the following:

    • None
    • Extra Small
    • Small
    • Reduced
    • Regular
    • Increased
    • Large
    • Extra Large
    • Huge


    These sizes are relative to one another; the baseline is determined by Design System settings.

Display Logic tab [[]]

Standard display logic options are available.