Page Packs


The page pack feature is only available with Skuid on Salesforce.

Page packs are a collection (or even one page) of builder-selected pages, bundled by Skuid and stored as a Static Resource in the builder’s Salesforce org, so they can be easily shared.

With page packs, builders can move and share Skuid pages between Salesforce orgs, for example, moving pages from a test org to a sandbox. Builders can also create and deploy page packs using the skuid CLI.

Page packs do not move global Salesforce configurations. Pages moved to a new org via page packs may behave differently because configuration settings— security permissions on objects, records, and fields, profiles, etc—can vary from org to org.


Page packs are saved as a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) type of application/json. This is important to note because Skuid cannot use the Unpack Pages feature when the page pack/Static Resource is not of the application/json file type

Creating a page pack [[]]

  1. From the Skuid navigation bar, click Compose > All Pages.

  2. Select the pages you want to export by checking the box next to those pages.

  3. Click on the dropdown arrow next to fa-pencil-square-o Mass Update Selected Rows.

  4. Select fa-suitcase Build Page Pack.

  5. In the Create or Update a Skuid Page Page dialog, select Create New Pack, and specify the new pack’s information:

    • Name
    • Description
  6. Click Build Page Pack.


You can also use modules to build page packs.

Moving pages between orgs with page packs [[]]

Download the page pack and upload it into the appropriate org.

  1. In Salesforce, navigate to the Static Resources detail page.

  2. Find the desired page pack and click its name.

  3. Click View file.

  4. Left click on the page and select Save Page As… and save the page pack as a filetype of .json.

    • It is also possible to copy and paste the code in the page into a text/code editor and save that new document as a JSON file. Then create a new Static Resource in the destination org and select the .json file you recently created.


Salesforce requires a page pack to be saved as a Static Resource of the type: application/json.


Page Packs do not move global Salesforce org configurations.

Importing (unpacking) page packs [[]]

  1. From the Skuid Navigation bar, click Compose > All Pages.
  2. Click the down arrow next to fa-plus-circle Create New Page.
  3. Click fa-briefcase Unpack Pages from Page Pack.
  4. Select the page pack to import.
  5. Click Unpack.
  6. After the status message clears, close the Unpack Page(s) window.


Imported pages will show an identical Last Modified timestamp.

Updating a page pack [[]]

  1. From the Skuid navigation bar, click Compose > All Pages.
  2. Select the pages you want to include in your update by checking the box next to those pages.
  3. Click on the dropdown arrow next to fa-pencil-square-o Mass Update Selected Rows.
  4. Select fa-suitcase Build Page Pack.
  5. In the Create or Update a Skuid Page Page dialog, select Select Existing Pack.
  6. Select the page pack to be updated.
  7. Select Build Page Pack.


Updating a page pack will overwrite its current data with the new selected pages.