Merge Syntax

Merge syntax is a templating system based on mustache.js and is used primarily by writing merge variables. These variables are bits of data represented by a parameter wrapped in two or three curly brackets.

For example:


These parameters are then “merged” into another location such as in a UI-only formula, within a component or other component elements.

Merge Variables

Merge variables often rely on context to retrieve the variable specified within the curly brackets. Context is determined by where the merge variable is used, and it can be a model record, fields within a record, or a JavaScript object (with or without properties).

Among other things, merge variables are helpful for pulling live data into a location to display to users at runtime. Imagine a builder wants to have a detail panel on the page of an account that displays the name of the account’s point-of-contact. To accomplish this, they could use merge variables to fetch the name of the contact from the account record:

First Name: {{firstName}}

Last Name: {{lastName}}

When the detail panel loads in runtime, the merge variables tell Skuid to check the current context—the selected record—to find the values that correspond with the “First Name” and “Last Name” parameters. When Skuid finds that the account record has values for the parameters requested, it passes (or “merges”) those values into the location where they were called. So, if the account’s point-of-contact was Amy Meerdink, the detail panel displays:

First Name: Amy

Last Name: Meerdink

There are also global merge variables which are available in any merge context, and all start with $. For example,

{{$Param.accountId}}, {{$Api.Session_Id}}

Builders can access related fields using dot notation within their merge variables. For example, to access related fields off of a related Account record:

{{Account.Name}} ({{Account.City}}, {{Account.State}})

This expression looks to a related object via a reference field called (Account). The . then tells Skuid to go within the related object for the Name value.

Other examples of using dot notation include accessing child relationship data, paths to contents within REST models, or accessing global merge variables.

Merge Variable Formatting

Merge variables can be wrapped in double and triple curly brackets. The number of curly brackets around a merge variable tells Skuid how to format the data represented in the variable when it pulls the data into the targeted location.

Double Curly Brackets


In most cases, double curly brackets tell Skuid to apply formatting to the data returned to a variable based on the context model’s field display type and the running user’s locale. For example, say a builder includes the merge variable {{Amount}}, which looks to a currency field on the model called “Amount” that has a value of 3000.

Because of the double curly brackets, Skuid will check the field’s display type (Currency) and the user’s locale (en_US), then apply formatting inherited from those properties to return $3,000.00.

If the Amount field had a field display type of Number, the result would be 3,000.

Additionally, double brackets also allow characters that have special meaning in HTML (&, < and >) to appear as expected. Double brackets tell Skuid to apply additional HTML to the returned values so that they will display as text instead of being parsed as an HTML directive.

Triple Curly brackets


Triple curly brackets tell Skuid to display only the raw (unformatted) data. Therefore, using the sample value of 3000, {{{Amount}}} displays as 3000, regardless of how the field in the original object was formatted.

Using Merge Variables

Merge Expressions

Merge variables can be used in a merge expression, which is a string of characters containing one or more merge variables that return a set of values.

For example:

Full Name: {{First Name}} {{Last Name}}

        {{City}}, {{State}} {{PostalCode}}

In runtime, these expressions return:

Full Name: Amy Meerdink

        123 Cephalopod Street
        Maritime, Kentucky, 33333
        United States

Merge expressions can be used in some component properties, action properties, UI-only fields, and in Javascript snippets.

Merge Expression Logic

Merge expression logic is based off of mustacheJS sections and lets builders include limited conditional rendering logic, as well as iterate over arrays. Merge expression logic will always begin with a pound sign, for example: {{#name}} and end with a slash, {{/name}}.

Conditional merge expressions [[]]

To create a conditional merge expression based on a field named IsActive, for example, you would use the following syntax:

{{#IsActive}}Product is active!{{/IsActive}}

The # lets Skuid know that, if the IsActive field returns true, then render “Product is active!”

Conversely, using a ^, will render content if the merge variable is not true.

{{^IsActive}}Product is not active!{{/IsActive}}

This means that if the returned value of IsActive is false, 0, null, undefined, NaN, an empty string or an empty list, then “Product is not active!” is rendered.

You can use these true or false tags in combination to display a message based on whether a value is true or not. For example:

{{#IsActive}}Sell this product!{{/IsActive}}{{^IsActive}}Pretend this product doesn't exist!{{/IsActive}}

Another example of using the true and false syntax is displaying the quantity of a particular product—but only if the quantity was non-null and greater than 0; otherwise display a link to an Order Form:

{{#Quantity__c}}{{Quantity__c}}{{/Quantity__c}}{{^Quantity__c}}(<a href="/apex/orderForm?code={{{ProductCode}}}">Order Form</a>){{/Quantity__c}}

Looping over arrays [[]]

If the target variable of a conditional merge expression is an array (a list of items), then the content of the expression is rendered once for each element in the array. For example, to make a merge expression that iterated over opportunity records to display the name, stage, and close date, do something like this:

{{Name}} (Stage: {{StageName}}, Close: {{CloseDate}})

Or another example, iterating over an account model’s data:

{{Name}} ({{BillingCity}}, {{BillingState}})

And for some data sources, like Salesforce, it’s also possible to iterate on child relationship records. Skuid stores child records in a special property of the field named records.

This example iterates over an opportunity’s price book entry records to generate HTML list elements:

<ul style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
  <li>{{UnitPrice}} ({{Pricebook2.Name}})</li>

Notice that within the section, merge variables are relative to the current record. So, rather than {{PricebookEntries.records.UnitPrice}}, we use simply {{UnitPrice}}.

This expression generates a <ul> tag, followed by a <li> tag for each child object, followed by a closing </ul> tag. The result looks something like this:



If using the Template (v1) or Text (v2) component, you need to enable the checking Allow HTML property for the above example.

Merge functions [[]]

Merge functions are Skuid-defined functions that can be called in any context using expression logic.

For more information, see our global merge variables and functions index.

Using Merge Expressions in JavaScript

To use merge expressions in JavaScript, call the skuid.utils.merge() API.

For example:

var model = skuid.model.getModel( 'User' ),
   row = model.getFirstRow();

var addressExpression =
   '{{Street}}\\n' +
   '{{City}}, {{State}} {{PostalCode}}\\n' +

   skuid.utils.merge( 'row', addressExpression, null, model, row )

Skuid’s merge variable syntax is built on mustacheJS. To use the mustache API directly (to access pre-parsing, for example), access the API via skuid.Mustache. Note that you will not be able to use some of Skuid expression features, such as merge variables.


Sections and Data Source URL parameters [[]]

If using sections to help determine a Data Source URL parameter for a REST model, you may experience unexpected behavior. Try renaming the field or adjusting the merge syntax.

Unexpected expression results [[]]

Check if you are using triple curly brackets instead of double. If the content of the field contains special HTML characters, (&, <, and >, for example), and you are using triple curly brackets, you may end up with unexpected results. If using triple brackets, try double brackets, and vice versa.

Including merge variables within HTML [[]]

When including a merge variable within an HTML attribute using double curly brackets, your merge variable may return unexpected results. This is due to how Skuid formats the results of merges with double curly brackets; Skuid may be inserting additional HTML into the expression value, which might be causing conflicts with the intended HTML in the expression.

If using double curly brackets, try using triple-curly brackets, which tells Skuid to render the raw value without applying additional HTML.

For more information on double and triple curly brackets, see Merge Variable Formatting


When using triple curly brackets, keep in mind that, if the content of the field contains special HTML characters (for example,``&``, <, and >), you may end up with unexpected (and very messy) results.