Page Packs

Page packs are collections of Skuid pages, bundled together and stored as a single Salesforce static resource.

They are used to deploy Skuid pages from one org to another, like moving pages from sandbox orgs to production orgs or distributing examples of pages between Skuid builders.


Page packs are only available on ||.

Page pack concepts and best practices

  • Page packs are saved as JSON files with a MIME type of application/json. Don’t use a different file extension when downloading packs, or Skuid may be unable to process it.
  • Page packs are often used in conjunction with modules, a means of organizing pages in a Salesforce org, to quickly bundle grouped pages.
  • It’s often helpful to name page packs based on use case. If deploying a set of pages to a production org, consider names like ProductionDeployment_AppName.

Constraints to remember

  • Because page packs are Salesforce static resources, they also must meet static resource naming conventions and file size limits:
    • Only use underscores and alphanumeric characters.
    • Names must begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores.
    • Names must be unique.
    • Page packs cannot exceed 5 MB in size due to static resource file size limits.
    • For more information on static resources, see Salesforce documentation.
  • Page packs do not move global Salesforce configurations. If your pages are affected by things like security permissions on objects, records, and fields, profiles, you’ll need to move those settings separately.
  • Page packs also do not transfer page revisions. Any prior revisions, auto-saved or named, are not transferred with any page in a pack when it’s unpacked in a new org.

Creating or Updating Page Packs

  1. From the Skuid navigation bar, click Pages.
  2. Click the dots-vertical More Options icon next to Create.

At this point you can create your pack automatically by bundling all the pages in a specific module, or you can pick pages individually.

Package all pages in a module [[]]

  1. Click Package pages from module.
  2. Select the module you wish to package pages from.
  3. Click Package.

The page pack is named after the module with Pages appended. For example, packaging the pages from a module named ExampleModule would create a static resource named ExampleModulePages.

Create a new pack of individual pages [[]]

  1. Click Package pages into page pack.

  2. Click each page you wish to add to the pack.

    • You can filter your pages by API version or search by name.
    • To review only your selected pages before proceeding, click Show selected.
  3. Click Next.

  4. Select whether you want to create a new page pack or update an existing one.

    • Create a new pack: Enter a name and description for the pack’s static resource.


      If you choose to create a new pack, but use the name of an existing pack, then that page pack will be overwritten. Only the pages you just selected be will included.

    • Update existing pack: Select a pack to update. Updating a page pack overwrites its current data with the newly selected pages.

  5. Click Build pack.

Your page pack is created and stored as a new static resource.

Moving Page Packs Between Orgs

You can use page packs to move a set of pages from one org to another. To do so, you can manually download and upload the static resource or move it as part of a change set. For more information about change sets, see Salesforce documentation.

Downloading a page pack

  1. In Salesforce Setup, navigate to the Static Resources page.
  2. Find the desired page pack and click its name.
  3. Click View file.
  4. Right click on the page, select Save As… (or your browser’s equivalent option).
  5. Save the page pack with a recognizable name and use the .json extension.

Uploading a page pack

  1. In Salesforce Setup, navigate to the Static Resources page.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter an appropriate name (and optionally a description) that reflects the page pack’s contents.
  4. Click Choose File.
  5. Select the page pack JSON file on your local machine.
  6. Click Save.

The pack is now available for use in the org.


You can also update an existing page pack’s static resource by clicking its name, clicking the Edit button, and then clicking Choose File.

Unpacking Page Packs

  1. From the Skuid navigation bar, click Pages.
  2. Click the dots-vertical More Options icon next to Create.
  3. Click Unpack pages from page pack.
  4. Select the pack to unpack.
  5. Click Unpack selected.

All pages within the pack are now available.


If an unpacked page matches the name of a page that already exists within the org, that existing page is updated with an auto-save revision. Prior page revisions are retained.