
Can I make mobile web apps with Skuid?

Skuid UI components come with features and properties that support responsive design for desktop, tablets, and mobile phones.

Features like “Render by Screen Dimension” allow the builder to use a single data model across multiple layouts in the same page.

Skuid can listen for user connection events using Salesforce’s ability to detect if a user is connected or disconnected. This allows builders to design experiences for users that have to deal with spotty service or intermittent connections.

As of Summer ‘20, Salesforce will be retiring support for browser access to Salesforce on mobile devices. Users on smartphones and most tablets will need to access Salesforce through the Salesforce Mobile App. However, Skuid pages can still be added to Salesforce mobile pages.

Can I make native mobile apps with Skuid?

No, building native mobile apps is not currently supported.