Skuid SFX is now Nintex Apps!

Legacy terminology may appear as we update our documentation.


The process of making Skuid pages available to your end users is known as deployment. While it’s a fancy word—and sometimes a fancy process—it’s the final step you need to take to make your improved user experience available to your end users. (And that was the point, wasn’t it?)

When using Salesforce, there are two main interfaces to choose from, and the one you select influences how you deploy your Skuid apps:

Look for the deployment process in the table of contents that aligns with your Salesforce org.

Salesforce API Usage

Skuid SFX is a managed package installed within a Salesforce org. This means that almost every action Skuid takes does not consume API calls for the org it is installed in. However, there are some exceptions:

  1. Any use of Salesforce data source actions will consume an API Call.

  2. Record type dependent picklists require an API call to confirm the available picklist values. Skuid aggressively caches to avoid consuming API calls, but some calls will still be incurred.


    If you have dependent picklists but do not have record types, those picklists will not consume an API call.

Accessing an external org’s data—whether through model queries or Salesforce data source actionswill consume API calls in the external org.