Skuid SFX is now Nintex Apps!

Legacy terminology may appear as we update our documentation.

Early Access Expectations

“Early access” refers to the preview period in which new Skuid releases are available before they are released as generally available (GA) for use in production. It serves as a sneak peek at upcoming features, as well as an important time for user testing and feedback.

We encourage all builders to test upcoming releases during early access—both to ensure new features work as expected and that their current apps continue to function with other enhancements.

How can I participate in the early access period?

During closed early access on Skuid SFX, builders must contact to receive package install links.

Once a release candidate package is prepared, these installation links are made available at

Early access release timeline

Timelines are estimated and may vary depending on a variety of factors, but we maintain an open line of communication with early access participants about any significant changes.

On Skuid SFX, a closed early access period for a major/minor release begins about 4-5 weeks before the targeted GA release date. Builders must contact Skuid’s product team by emailing to receive package install links and participate.

Roughly 2 weeks before the GA release, a release candidate package is prepared and made available for broader, external audiences to test in sandbox and dev orgs. After that time—assuming no issues of major severity are found—the release is made generally available.

Some examples to illustrate these general timelines:

  • For a GA release targeted for April 1st, the early access period would begin on March 1st. The release candidate would typically release March 15th.
  • For a GA release targeted for November 15th, the early access period would begin on October 15th. The release candidate would typically release November 1st.


These dates are for illustration purposes and may not correspond to actual release dates.

We need your feedback

Your input is vital during early access. We want to hear about your experiences, any problems you encounter, and suggestions for improvements.

To provide feedback on early access releases, you’ll be coordinating directly with our product team. Contact us with your feedback by emailing To provide feedback on generally available releases, post on the Skuid Community.

Feedback we look for:

  • Whether or not a feature is confusing to use
  • Likelihood of adopting a release’s new features
  • Bugs and breaking changes affecting your apps
  • Screenshots of unexpected behaviors

Feature Expectations and Potential Quirks

While we do our best to test features before deploying them in early access, there may be unexpected behavior or minor bugs present during this phase—particularly for beta or pilot features. This is a normal part of the development process, and your feedback is instrumental in helping us resolve these issues.

We advise against relying on early access sites for critical operations. However we do encourage builders to retrieve and deploy their production applications and test them using sandbox data in early access sites.

For information on deploying Skuid metadata between sites, see these topics: