Skuid SFX is now Nintex Apps!

Legacy terminology may appear as we update our documentation.

Installing Skuid SFX

When you install Skuid, you’re installing a managed package in your Salesforce org. This package contains the tabs, objects, and other resources required to run Skuid.

Are you an existing Skuid customer? See Upgrading Skuid SFX.


Free trials are the Professional edition of Salesforce, which isn’t supported in Skuid versions above Brooklyn. Group editions also aren’t supported in these versions. That’s why we recommend installing Skuid in a Developer edition of Salesforce. Sign up for a Developer org at

If using either Salesforce’s Group or Professional edition, you can only use previous versions of Skuid (Brooklyn or prior), which aren’t actively maintained.

Before you begin

Before installing Skuid, log in to your Salesforce org. This ensures you’ll be installing Skuid in the correct location.

If you’ll be creating a new org to try Skuid, be sure to pick the correct org type for your use case:

Developer: Developer orgs let you access Skuid quickly—without worrying about connecting to your real, business data. We recommend installing Skuid in a developer org first, especially if you have a Salesforce free trial (as some trial accounts may encounter install issues). Sign up for a developer account at

Sandbox: Sandbox orgs are connected to your business data, but don’t affect anything in production. They’re great for learning Skuid or testing what you’ve built—with actual data.

Production: Production orgs can be used if your company doesn’t use sandbox orgs or you’re ready to go live with users.

Install Skuid

Sign up for Skuid

  1. Go to Skuid’s Start building for free page.

  2. Fill out the required fields:

    • Email: The email address you’d like to use to contact support or receive Skuid notifications. If you subscribe, we’ll also send our newsletter
    • How you learned about Skuid: Where you heard about Skuid, such as from a colleague, conference, or Internet search
  3. (Optional) Click the box to subscribe to our newsletter—and stay up-to-date on all things Skuid.

  4. Review our Privacy Policy. Click the box to continue.

  5. Click Continue.

Choose your org type and initial permissions

  1. Click the Install… link that matches your org type. A new screen appears.

  2. Click Install Skuid.

    • If prompted, log in to Salesforce. Be sure to log in to the correct org; this affects where Skuid installs.
  3. The next screen determines which users receive permissions to Skuid’s metadata after install. Click Install for Admins Only.

    • This option only applies when Skuid is first installed in an org. This is why we recommend configuring permission settings using permission sets later.
  4. Click Install.

  5. The last screen asks you to approve third-party access. This allows Skuid to send requests to outside domains, which helps us deliver assets faster through our CDN and load custom fonts. Click the checkbox, and then click Continue to confirm installing.


    Third-party access works differently for Government Cloud. See below.

Considerations for Government Cloud

Government Cloud is a Salesforce product specifically designed to meet the data handling compliance needs for government agencies. However Skuid’s CDN is external to Government Cloud, and thus is not compatible with its more stringent security requirements. If the CDN is enabled in a government cloud org, Skuid fails to load.

To avoid unexpected behaviors, you must disable the CDN when working with Government Cloud:

  1. In Salesforce setup, navigate to Custom Settings.
  2. Click the Preferences custom setting label.
  3. Click on Manage.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Uncheck Serve Skuid static assets from CDN.
  6. Click Save.

Don’t panic if installation takes awhile!


This happens. You’ll receive an email when Skuid finishes installing in your org.

Check the package’s install status by navigating to Environments > Deploy > Deployment on the left panel of the Salesforce Setup page.

Open Skuid after installing

Make sure you’ve received an installation success email from Salesforce before trying the next steps!

  1. Open the App Launcher in the left corner of any Salesforce page.
  2. Type Skuid in the Search field. Skuid appears as an option in the Apps list.
  3. Click Skuid. A Lightning page appears briefly before redirecting to Skuid.


After opening Skuid, check out Get Started with Skuid to start building!


On Skuid subscriptions versus Skuid licenses

Within the Salesforce universe, the term “Skuid license” refers to a user’s ability to interact with Skuid. While the Skuid UI reflects this terminology to avoid confusion, the “number of Skuid licenses” you have refers to purchased Skuid subscriptions.

Skuid Skool