Tab Set

The Tab Set is a layout component used to group other components within tabs that end users click to see page features and data. Skuid components can be organized within specific tabs in the Tab Set to reduce time spent scrolling down the page.

The Tab Set is responsive, adjusting to the size of the screen. When there is not enough horizontal space to display all the tabs, some are displayed in a dropdown menu under the header “More.”

Using the Tab Set Component

The Tab Set provides more concise and guided user experiences, letting end users to switch between sets of data, visualizations, and more—with just a click. Tabs can be used as guides for inputting or updating information, making applications more intuitive, and reducing time spent scrolling or clicking through an app.

Add a Tab Set to the page, then equip it with tabs, and fill the tabs with components.

Add Tabs

  • Add tabs by clicking Add tab on the Tab Container.
    • The Tab Container defaults to one tab.
  • Remove tabs by clicking on the tab, then clicking Remove.
  • Reposition tabs by clicking and dragging them left or right to the desired location in the set.

Add Components to Tabs

  • Add components by clicking and dragging desired components into a tab within the Tab Set. Component properties can then be modified as usual to adjust appearance and behavior.


Adding a Tab Set component to a tab will create a set of subtabs.


(Just need to look up a property? Try going directly to the Property Library.)

Component properties

General tab [[]]

  • Unique ID (optional): Skuid automatically generates an alphanumeric ID for the component; if preferred, give it a practical name.
  • Remember active tab: If true, Skuid’s personalization framework will remember the last tab an end user was on and will automatically reopen that tab when the user returns to this page.
  • Defer tab rendering: Defer tab rendering makes it easier to build performant pages. Instead of loading all the data in tabs when the page loads, this directs the page to only load and render the selected tab. Combine this with Remember active tab for a great user experience.
  • Allow HTML in tab labels: When the Allow HTML property is checked, any HTML markup within the column header label value will be parsed and rendered per the markup.
  • ARIA label: Determines what description will be read by assistive technology, such as screen readers, by setting the aria-label HTML attribute, which is part of the Web Accessibility Initiative—Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) spec.

    Used to describe elements where text may not be visible, this property can be a specific string of text, the merge variables of one or more fields, or a combination of the two.


If no Aria Label is specified, access technologies will use the Tab label.

Styles tab [[]]

Global styles for this component are set in the Design System Studio. The following Style properties can be adjusted for an individual page.

  • Style variant: Style variants are created and set in the Design System Studio. Some components have pre-defined variants for a specific aspect of a component’s style. Also, Skuid builders can style and customize elements to create their own themes within the DSS. These themes will dynamically populate as selectable values in the Style Variant dropdown menu.


    To refresh available style variant options, click refresh Refresh style variants.

    This is useful for when changes to the design system (like style variants or variable options) have been made in another browser window or by another user.

  • Margin: Sets a component’s margin (the space around it) relative to other components on the page.

    • To set margins for all sides, click border-all All.
    • To set margins for each side individually, click border-separate Separate.

    Margin values can be set to any configured spacing variable for the page’s design system. Margin cannot be set an arbitrary value; it must use a design system variable.

Display logic tab [[]]

Standard display logic options are available to display or hide the component or feature.

Nested elements

Tab properties
General tab [[]]
  • Tab label: The text that appears as the tab’s title in the component. Defaults to “New Tab.”
  • Icon (optional): A visual icon that will appear beside the tab label. Commonly used to guide users to relevant information more quickly. Click warning to open the library of available icons.
Advanced tab [[]]
  • Tab panel unique Id (optional). Allows for a tab’s content panel to be reliably referenced via JavaScript or set via a URL hash, such as apex/skuid_UI?page=AccountDetail#CasesTab.
Actions tab [[]]

Use these properties to add actions to individual tabs on the Tab Set.

  • When first shown: Actions will only run the first time an end user selects this Tab on page load.
  • Whenever rendered: Actions will run every time an end user selects this Tab.

Click add Add action, then select:

Display logic tab [[]]

Standard display logic options are available to display or hide the component or feature.